CBS is the hosting club for this coming Bonsai a Thon (BAT) Feb. 24-25 2019.
One of the perks for being the hosting club is that we get to put items like
trees, etc. in the outside sales area which opens at 10 am and closes for
the day before the auction starts.
If you are planning on selling items, I will have a package for you at the
next CBS meeting. If you can't come to the meeting but want to sell, please
email me - caryme2@yahoo.com, or call me at 760-445-2548 and I will send
you the package. It will have a page to explain how we are doing the
outside sales area and a page for you to list every item you want to sell.
You, the seller, will get 70% of the sales price and the BAT will get 30% and
will pay the sales tax of 9.50%.
On Friday Feb. 23 rd from 2-5 pm, We will check in your items. You will
also get a 2 part sales tag that must be filled out and placed on your items.
When they are sold one tag is taken off and put in our sales book under
your name.
When everything is over, We will check out each of you. Hopefully all your
items will be sold. This is the best way we have found that works and so no
items go missing. There will be no holding area after items are sold. Buyer
must take them. We just can't keep a good watch over them. This should be
a great BAT, so please participate.
Thank you,
Cary and Steve Valentine