For most of her life, Caroline Scott, or “Caz" as she’s known, has worked with art in some shape or form. It’s always been a large part of who she is. Working with design, photography, print, portraits and as a freelance illustrator has been a joy for her, but it wasn’t until she discovered the art of bonsai at the age of 21 (now 54) that she realized what true artistic passion really was.
Willowbog Bonsai in the North East of England was everything and more Caz could have asked for at the time. The nursery had, over the years, many top artists holding workshops and she took the opportunity to work with all of them. Marco Invernizzi, Marc Noelanders, Ryan Neil, Kevin Willson, Salvatore Liporace, Peter Warren to name but a few. She wanted to push herself and learn as much as she could.
Caroline also became more involved with the UK clubs and shows doing presentations and demos. She became the secretary of the North East Bonsai Society and was the original founder and chairperson of the British Shohin Bonsai Association. All of the workshops and club involvement seems to have paid off as she then started exhibiting at top European shows like the Noelanders Trophy (now the Trophy) and the Ginkgo Awards where she won the BCI (Bonsai Club’s International) Presidents Award for her Shohin composition.
Caz continues to strive to learn more and more about the art. Along with her presentations and demos, she teaches and develops trees for customers across the UK and Ireland.
